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In 2018, the Board of Koleagold LLC began discussing a formal internal collaboration that will be shared externally. A key goal is to work together to identify best practices in areas that will rely on primarily on consensus expert opinions. This will evolve into a formal letter of understanding, under, which the KG LifedroneTM and LifedroningTM will co-create with other organizations that have similar working values.


We are pleased to present the first recommendations of the KOLEAGOLD LLC Alliance with Koleagoldʻs LifedroneTM and LifedroningTM Standards, a project sponsored by the KOLEAGOLD LLC (KG). KG intend for these development standards to have a positive influence on the training of LifedroneTM Operators and the practice of LifedroningTM within our own organizations and, by freely sharing this results, within other Life Saving Operator training private and public organizations as well. We have undergone this process maintaining the principle that best practice in LifedroningTM should be based on the best evidence available, and that once that evidence is identified, it should be relevant for and apply to all LifedroneTM Operator trainings.


As LifedroningTM will become an evolved matter to our Lives, the LifedroneTM Operator training methods and standards will be established primarily on the basis of experience and opinion. This can be a result of trial and not error (more success), or of the recommendations of people who are considered to be experts. Just as experience and expertise vary in different organizations, so do methods and standards. In the case of some standards, the organizations promoting them may not have an institutional memory regarding the reason the standards will come to exist.


KG will conduct a review of the LifedroneTM Operator training standards that is advanced into our ways of Life. KG will collaborate with various organizations, including the Federal, State and Counties of Hawaii, Coast Guard, Fire Departments, Lifeguards, Police Department, American Red Cross, American Heart Association, Rotary Club, Hawaii Tourism Authority, and others; by demonstrating that some practices differ within the field.


The role of a KG LifedroneTM Operator, regardless of where trained or employed, is to prevent death and injury. Using the best methods of training and standards of practice can therefore be expected to reduce the incidence of ocean death and or injury. In the beginning of this project, it is assumed that some high quality scientific studies needs to be studied, published and intergraded within the scope of KG LifedroneTM Operator training and standards that will need to be known to everyone developing the KG LifedroneTM Operator training programs. Another fundamental assumption is that by conducting a thorough review of the available studies conducted in related areas and by identifying areas of KG LifedroneTM Operator training and standards that will be lacking a scientific basis; recommendations will be made to help ensure that future training and standards are based on solid evidence. It is also assumed that in some areas where a scientific basis is lacking, “best practice” that will be followed, but that best practices must first be determined.


LifedroneTM and LifedroningTM Collaboration:


KOLEAGOLD LLC of Hawaii is internationally recognized as a for-profit company with its ISO 9001-2015 certification, part of whose mission is the development and delivery of KG LifedroneTM Operator training in a variety of environments. KG LifedroneTM will seek to be a part of  Life Saving Organizations.


The sponsoring organizations identified agencies relevant to the field of LifedroningTM is to assure a sound, unbiased process with multidisciplinary expertise and broad representation, and to allow for open evaluation, critique, and consensus. Various levels of participation will be identified and representatives will be invited to participate in this based on specific criteria for public and private organizations who provides experts.







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