I. Workforce Development:
Explore opportunities to develop internship programs within the Public and Private Sectors.
Explore opportunities for international security studies research.
Explore opportunities for Public and Private Sector employees to attend certificate-training programs during the duty day.
Explore opportunities to further enhance cyber workforce development.
II. Water:
Collaborate on strategies to guide research projects relevant to our partners across the Pacific.
Continue collaboration with Public and Private Sectors annually in the Pacific to engage the Environmental Security.
Explore opportunities to share information/data and research, and provide training and education related to hazard preparedness, sea level rise, water conservation, water conservation technologies, and all environments of Elements.
Explore workshops/discussions on wastewater infrastructure issues and solutions, as well as on the issues and impact of a changing climate on water resources, sea level rise, and coastal hazards.
Collaborate on education, training, and research opportunities related to hazard preparedness, water conservation, and water conservation technologies.
III. Energy:
Collaborate on energy program, technology, and proposal efforts.
Collaborate on research and development to enhance energy security and resilience, including within the Hawaiian Islands.
Collaborate on cyber defense of Industrial Control Systems.
Collaborate on Public and Private Sectors Transformative Reduction wasted Energy Consumption program.
Collaborate on strategies for introduction of advanced fuels into the energy mix.
Explore opportunities to test new field energy technologies for electricity, fuels, energy efficiency, and waste to energy.
IV. Cyber Security:
Collaborate on cyber range exercises.
Collaborate on cyber defense of Industrial Control Systems.
Explore opportunities in emerging technologies, research, and innovation.
Explore opportunities in cyber security workforce development, such as opening additional class participation to Public and Private employees and developing career-mentoring opportunities for KG students.
V. Health and Disaster Risk Reduction:
Collaborate Training Programs on disaster preparedness response, emergency response, and/or humanitarian assistance to enhance evidence-based decision-making.
Collaborate to enhance National Disaster Preparedness Training Protocols training courses, workshops and training events.
Explore opportunities to share information by maximizing inclusion of stakeholders to relevant Public and Private Groups.
Explore the Interagency Coordination of the Public and Private Sectors Working Groups, Security Cooperation Planning Groups.
Collaborate on disaster risk reduction and resilience building issues due to impacts from a changing climate.
Explore opportunities to attend training events that enhance collaboration.
Collaborate to improve crisis and emergency risk communication procedures and informational products with regards to pandemics and infectious diseases.
Explore collaboration opportunities by enhancing information collection, assessment, and management capabilities.
Enhance collaboration in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics to include modeling, risk assessments for data sharing for humanitarian assistance.
Explore opportunities to develop and establish security cooperation engagements focused on enhancing capabilities.
VI. Space:
Collaborate on research and development for small and large Drone research including testing of various components for small and large Drones, design and build software defined radios for small satellites, and development of system requirements for the Space Based Calibration Platform (SBCP) - a small and large Drones that will provide U.S. range telemetry test capability from orbit with a return base on Lanaʻi Island.
Cooperate on advocacy for and support to establish a commercial small Drone launch capability in Hawaii, in mutual support of national space resilience objectives and Hawaiiʻs Public and Private Sectors objective to grow the commercial aerospace sector.
Increase the number of Public and Private school graduates, especially those from traditionally underrepresented groups, who pursue college degrees and/or careers in STEM fields.
Collaborate, Cultivate a Deeper Cultural value for the community partnerships that will provide access to diverse, high-quality STEM teaching, learning and workforce opportunities​.
Purposefully integrate science, mathematics, technology and engineering to provide all students with engaging, real-world, and experiences in STEM​. Train Individuals to become teachers for STEM and ​to Provide Haumana with foundational Values in knowledge based content practices, and organizing principles of Respect, Honor, Integrity, Trust in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Develop the Hawai'i Aviation and Space Flight Academy: